We recently did a training on Storify which is an excellent tool for digital curation. The basic definition of digital curation is, "Digital curation is the selection, preservation, maintenance, collection and archiving of digital assets. Digital curation establishes, maintains and adds value to repositories of digital data for present and future use." (From wikipedia). For the purposes of our school though we offered this as an opportunity for our students to become curators within their classes. Providing opportunities for students to filter through resources and choose the best information for a subject that they are working on.
For example, let's say that you want your students to explore the current situation related to Syrian Refugees. Students would be able to go into Storify and search for reputable sources that could be curated about what is happening.
The exciting part to Storify is that you can lay it out in a "Story" manner. Meaning you can take your readers through a story of the Syrian refugees completely based on information curated from the web. This tool is an excellent one for personal Pro-D as well as an individual or class project. Something we highly recommend and another exciting opportunity to bring a diverse experience into the classroom. See a previous post, created in Storify about Grit in the Classroom.